Saturday, April 19, 2008

39 Years of Cars in 80 Seconds

I got to thinking that I have really owned a lot of cars in my lifetime. It all started when I inherited my grandfather's white '63 Studebaker Lark in 1969. My average length of ownership has been 1.4 years. I have had 6 Fords, 6 Chevys, 2 Pontiacs, 2 Oldsmobiles, and 2 Kias. Japan is represented four times and Korea three times. There have been two Mustangs and two convertibles. The most bizarre vehicle was a green and white VW bus. My favorite car color has apparently been red, six of those. There have been three pickups.

I collected these pictures from the Web. Most of the cars are accurate in color and model, but I had to take some liberties. I am delighted I could find an accurate '62 Galaxie convertible! Mine didn't have wheel covers though.

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