Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarah Palin, My Humble Opinion

People who believe Sarah Palin did well in last night's vice-presidential debate think that because their expectations of her performance had been so low to begin with.
Biden And Palin Square Off In Only Vice Presidential Debate

You could compare her to your local high school football team playing Rutgers and managing to score a few points and not lose by 75. Nobody expected them to have a great game, anyway. She succeed in the sense that she didn't thoroughly embarrass herself, but she didn't display any depth of understanding or insight. She adhered faithfully to the party line.

As for her folksiness, we've had eight years of a good old boy presidency. We don't need a Joe Sixpack or a Hockey Mom as a leader of the nation. We should want a smart, articulate, insightful leadership.

Joe Biden exhibited so much more comprehension and understanding of the critical issues facing America. He appeared confident, knowledgable, and poised leaving no doubt which of these two people I would want in the White House should the need ever arise.

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