Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm No Longer LOST

I've just started watching the hit ABC TV show LOST from the beginning on Netflix Instant. I now understand why so many of you really like that show. In the past week, I've seen about half a dozen episodes. I just watched the one where Jack goes into the jungle looking for his dead father.

Because LOST was so popular among both my real-life and online friends, I twice tried to jump in and watch episodes on TV, but I didn't understand what was going on and gave up. Now that I'm watching from the beginning, I am hooked! I even find myself talking to the characters as I watch.

It's more like seeing a movie than TV. And not only is it a good story, it's visually stunning as well.
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1 comment:

TopSurf said...

I hear so much buzz about this show. With my schedule however particularly at night I can't follow any regular series on television. With you adding another positive recommendation now I have all intentions of watching this series through netflix. Isn't netflix wonderful?