Saturday, July 05, 2008

Fireworks Rant

The Fourth of July holiday has come and gone, though I'm sure the amateur fireworks shows will still be going on for days to come. I was very annoyed yesterday as the explosions began to reverberate through the neighborhood mid-afternoon and carried on relentlessly until past 11 o'clock.

A few of the blasts were window-rattlers! I don't know what sort of devices were being used. It seems each year more and more powerful fireworks are becoming available to the public. These home-grown pyrotechnic displays aren't something that can be limited to the privacy of one's own backyard or driveway.

If such devices are to continue being widely available, and many of their users are unable or unwilling to exercise good civic responsibility, there may need to be restrictions placed on appropriate times for these events to occur. A few days ago, I awoke to the rumbling of fireworks at 2:30 am!

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