Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Just a Rapidly Fading Memory

Summer vacation? What you talkin' about? When was that?

It's amazing how you just fall right back into rhythm, like you were never away. Just the faces and the names change, and not even some of those.

Seventh grade homeroom!!! Those combination locks, oh, WOW! I miss my seniors. :*(

If we claim to have spent tens of thousands of dollars on air conditioning, you couldn't prove it in my room. But, some people were saying they were too cold. I don't know!

Kids were mostly OK. One new kid tried to push my buttons, but I didn't let him get to me, and in the end he was alright. Speaking of new kids, I was getting scared to open GradeQuick. Every time I did, I had a new kid in some class.

We bought 20 new geometry books and I ran out. Oh, well, 1 down, 179 to go.

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