Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cleaning Up

One of the first tasks of summer is always doing a good housecleaning.

I’ve almost finished that chore.I even purchased a carpet steamer (which I apparently, judging by the waste water, needed more than I thought).

Windows, walls, ceilings. I even cleaned the leaves on the plants (well, most of them).

Now, if I could just figure out a way to keep it clean for at least 3 months!


This morning the phone rang just before 5 am. Well, you know you gotta answer it. You don’t get many frivolous calls at that time of the morning.

It was some kid, looking for Teddy and acting silly. I told him to make sure who he was calling at five in the morning. I was back in bed about a minute when the phone rang again. Since I was sure it was Idiot Boy again, I just launched into him. I told him to stop playing with the phone, grow up, and get his mom. After the mom, he hung up and that was that. Not funny.

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